Smudge Cups- What Are They & How Do You Use Them?
Rebecca HaynesShare
What Are Smudge Cups?
Smoke cleansing is a popular practice amongst magickal and spiritual practitioners, and whether or not you refer to it as smoke cleansing or smudging, it consists of using smoke to cleanse and purify an area.
If you have been searching for smudge sticks you may have found yourself faced with a number of new products- one of these being smudge cups.
Unlike smudge sticks which consist of bundles of dried herbs tied together, smudge cups consist of loose incense and resin in a charcoal cup. In all reality, smudge cups should probably be referred to as incense cups, and in some brands, this is what they are called. They are also referred to as resin cups by some brands.
Smudge cups/ incense cups come in many varieties- some are single resin cups, such as frankincense smudge cups, and others are specifically designed for a purpose such as banishing evil and house cleansing.
How Do You Use A Smudge Cup?
To use a smudge cup, follow these steps:
- Take your smudge cup out of its packet.
Place the cup onto a fireproof plate/container away from anything flammable (some packs of smudge cups come with a ceramic heat disc or metal plate to place the smudge cup on).
Light the top (same as you would with charcoal discs). Blow the flame out once
cup starts burning.
Ensure that the rim is lit (like the charcoal discs you will see the red glow around the rim).
The smudge cup will gradually heat up the botanicals and resins contained within
it, releasing their fragrance as it warms up. - If your incense contained within the smudge cup is used up before the cup is finished, you can always add other resin/herbs to the cup and light it to use up the rest of the charcoal.
What Are The Benefits Of Using Smudge Cups
- They are designed for specific intentions. Most smudge cups are formulated for specific intentions which means that you do not need to buy lots of individual herbs & resins.
- Smudge cups are a convenient way to fragrance and cleanse an area with specific herbs.
- Smudge cups usually contain only pure plant & resin material in charcoal cups- unlike some incenses which contain fragrance oils.
- They are portable and can be used practically anywhere without the need for an external container i.e. you can place them on the ground (i.e. dirt/sand) and use them.
- Smudge cups and incense cups are low waste. Containing natural products i.e. charcoal and resins/plant material, once the cup is completely burnt, there is not much to get rid of aside from maybe a bit of ash.
Are There Any Downsides To Using Smudge Cups?
They can produce more smoke than regular incense. Being contained within charcoal, smudge cups can produce quite a bit of smoke and are therefore suited
to being burnt in larger spaces or being burnt in a thurible or censer.
They get hot! Make sure the surface you place the cup onto is fireproof and will not conduct the heat i.e. a censer with sand/dirt in it or a ceramic plate. If you need to move them you will need to use charcoal tongs/tweezers.
How Long Do Smudge Cups Last?
As with all incense, smudge cups can vary in their burning time. One of the main things that will affect the burn time of your smudge cups is the environment (i.e. burning the cup in a draughty environment can cause it to burn quicker).
Disposal Of Your Smudge Cups
How Do You Extinguish A Smudge Cup?
If you need to extinguish your smudge cup for any reason, you can douse it in water or smother it in dirt.
How Do You Dispose Of a Smudge Cup
Once the ash from your smudge cup has cooled, you can dispose of it by burying the contents in the garden or by placing it in the bin. If you have used your smudge cup as part of a ritual that has specific instructions on removing the ingredients (such as a ritual that instructs you to dispose of the contents away from your own property) you can safely follow the instructions provided, knowing that the contents are natural and non-environmentally harmful.
If you are looking to try smudge cups, check out the range that we stock here.
If you are looking for smudge sticks/ smoke cleansing bundles, check them out here.