moon phases

The 8 Phases of the Moon and their Meanings

Rebecca Haynes

The 8 Phases of the Moon

The Lunar Cycle lasts 29.5 days and consists of 8 phases. Four primary and four intermediate phases.  

Primary Moon Phases are the New Moon, First Quarter Moon,  Full Moon and Third Quarter Moon. They happen at a specific moment in time.

The Intermediate Moon Phases consist of the moments between the Primary Moon Phases and are the Waxing Crescent Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon, Waning Gibbous Moon and Waning Crescent Moon. 



Moon Phases in Order

1. New Moon

A new moon happens where there is 0% illumination. i.e. the moon is dark. The moon is between the Sun and the Earth.

The New Moon is a time of new beginnings. New moon is the best time to gather your thoughts for what you want to achieve in the next month. 


2. Waxing Crescent Moon

 In a waxing crescent moon, there is 0.1% to 49.9% illumination. In the Waxing Crescent moon, the moon is lit on the right side in Northern Hemisphere and the left side in the Southern Hemisphere

 The Waxing Crescent Moon brings hope and positivity and is the best time to set intentions for the month.


3. First Quarter Moon

The First Quarter Moon or Half Moon is where there is 50% illumination. In the First Quarter Moon, the moon is lit on the right side in Northern Hemisphere and the left side in the Southern Hemisphere

The first quarter Moon is a time to take action in implementing the intentions that you set on the New Moon. Do not let doubts get in the way of your plan.


4. Waxing Gibbous Moon

On a Waxing Gibbous Moon, there is 50.1% to 99.9% illumination. In the Waxing Gibbous Moon, the moon is lit on the right side in Northern Hemisphere and the left side in the Southern Hemisphere

The Waxing Gibbous moon is a time to refine and clarify the intentions that you have set for the month.


5. Full Moon

On a Full Moon, illumination is 100%. In this phase the Moon and the Sun are on opposite sides of Earth.

The Full Moon is a time to harvest the intentions of the past moons. It is also the perfect time to release negative situations/people from your life. It is typically the time in which we see with the most clarity.

Full moon



6. Waning Gibbous Moon

On a Waning Gibbous Moon there is 99.9% to 49.9% illumination. On a Waning Gibbous Moon the moon is lit on the left side in Northern Hemisphere and the right side in the Southern Hemisphere.

A time of introspection, the goal on the Waning Gibbous Moon is to to revisit the intentions that you had for the lunar month and review the goals you had set.


7. Third Quarter Moon

On a Third Quarter Moon, illumination is 50%. In a Third Quarter Moon the moon is lit on the left side in Northern Hemisphere and the right side in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Third Quarter Moon is a spring cleaning time for the month so to speak. This phase is the best time for you to release and let go of what no longer serves you.


8. Waning Crescent Moon

On a Waning Crescent Moon, there is 49.9% to 0.1% illumination. In a Waning Crescent Moon the moon is lit on the left side in Northern Hemisphere and the right side in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Waning Crescent Moon is a time to reflect on the month that has been. It is a time to be still and at peace. Be grateful for the month that has been and be ready for the next.


Using the Lunar Calendar for Goal Setting 

The Lunar Calendar can be used as a tool to set goals and keep track of your desires. Each Moon phase is believed to give off a different energy which is said to be able to be harnessed in daily life. In fact just the simple act of writing down your intentions in a journal and revisiting them throughout the month is a good place to start setting goals and achieving them.

Hand writing in Journal

 If you are interested in harnessing the power of the moons energy and you would like to know when the phases are, click here.

* Feature Image compiled from an original image by Alex Andrews. 





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