4 tarot cards laid out on a table

What Are Clarifying Cards In Tarot & When To Use Them

When listening to people talk about Tarot, there are certain terms that will often come up. One of these is the term "clarifying cards" or "clarifiers". Clarifying cards are not part of the actual tarot spread, which is why this term can be a bit confusing. They are cards chosen as extras by the tarot reader and they can be a very valuable tool.

What are Clarifiers or Clarifying Cards?

Clarifying cards are simply that- cards that are used to seek further clarification into a question/ topic. They can be used whenever you need extra information in a spread, such as when faced with a complex question or unclear answer. Many people will

woman dealing vintage tarot cards

naturally select clarifiers, without realising what they are doing- or perhaps just not naming the action. For example, you pull a Tarot Card seeking answers and the message is not clear, so you pull another card- what you are doing here is seeking clarity- i.e. pulling clarifying cards/clarifiers. 

When to use clarifying cards

There are certain instances in which clarifiers can be useful. Some of these instances include:

  1. For More General Info- When you need further clarification into a question.
  2. Unclear Card Meanings- If a cards meaning is ambiguous in the context of the question, a clarifying card can provide additional details to help understand the message.
  3. Complex situations- When a situation is complex, or has many aspects, a clarifying card can help break the issue down into more easily understood parts.
  4. Vague outcomes- If a card representing the future is vague or open-ended, a clarifying card can provide more context around what to expect.
  5. Reversal Clarification- If in your practice, you read reversals (some people do not read reversals), and they seem unclear, a clarifying card can help shed light on the nature of the reversal.
  6. Emotional/Psychological Insights- When dealing with questions relating to emotions, feelings or psychological states, clarifying cards can provide deeper insights into the underlying issues.
  7. Decision Making- When a spread does not provide a clear direction in a question involving decisions to be made, clarifying cards can offer additional factors to consider.
  8. Relationships- In relationship readings, if the dynamic between two people is unclear, clarifying cards can offer more details concerning their connection and the challenges they may face.
  9. Challenging cards- If a particularly challenging card (for example the Tower, Death, 10 of Swords) appears and its meaning in the context of the reading is hard to grasp, a clarifying card can help understand the specific impact or change it signifies.
  10. Outcome Cards- When the outcome of a spread is not providing a satisfactory conclusion, or is ambiguous, a clarifying card can help elaborate on the final outcome/ result.

There are many more instances where clarifiers are used, and we have provided a brief overview, but hopefully enough so that you feel comfortable reaching for clarification in your next reading if you feel the need to. Remember, Tarot spreads are not set in stone. Just because you are doing a 3 card- past, present and future spread, it doesn't mean that it cannot morph into a 6 card spread because you seek clarity at each stage of the process. Clarifying cards enable you as a tarot reader to delve deeper into a question and gain further insight. They are a valuable tool which can and should be used whenever you feel the cards have not given enough information. 

Let us know if you use clarifiers in your Tarot reading, or is it new to you. Do you feel restricted by Tarot spreads? Do you even use them? We would love to hear your thoughts.

If you are looking for Tarot & Oracle cards, check out our range here.

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